Jon Santos in APC
February 11, 2015 - the famous Jon Santos gave our school a little visit. I wasn't sure whether I was really out of date or really not paying attention because it was quite a surprise to have someone as well-known as him be in our auditorium. At first I thought he was going to put on an act to entertain us or something, but no, it was just a simple talk about a simple person.He gave us 10 steps - steps that could help us grow and achieve our goals - and I want to expand three of those steps:
1. Listen
You have to listen not only to other people, but also to yourself. Lend your ears to those who have something good and useful to say. However, you don't have to listen to all those negative things; all you have to do is keep your ears open for those who care enough to give you a good talk. You also have to listen to your heart and your mind. It is important to let yourself be heard, and who would be a better person to hear you out first than yourself?
2. All Learning Will Enrich You
When you learn something, take it to heart. I'm not talking about the usual, everyday things you learn, like reading or writing or how to operate a machine - no, I am talking about those things that you only learn at rare times. You have to keep in mind that when you learn something, it can help you in the future. Everything you learn will play an important role in your life.
3. Baby Steps = A Step Worth Taking
There are times when we get a little impatient with small progress, but sometimes, baby steps are the steps that'll take you higher. With every step you make, no matter how small it is, it will lead you to something greater. You may be moving slow because of the small stepping stones, but a little closer is better than nothing at all. Someday we will realize that a certain tiny step was the right step and it would all be worth it in the end, even if it took you a long time to get to where you want to be.
It's amazing how someone can be so many people but just one person all at once. Jon Santos is a very talented man and I admire him for going towards what he wanted. I am very grateful because he was able to teach us these steps - and more. He truly is someone more than just an entertainer.